Our first program of 2019, which was broadcast on January 5th marked the beginng of year 40 for the “Vocal Sound Of Jazz”. In 1980 when I began broacasting, I made a weekly pilgrimage to the WHRO/WHRV studios, recorded on reel to reel tape and used razor blades and special tape to do some occassional editing. Over these 39 plus years the technology evolved from reel to reel, to digital audio tape (DAT), to Mini-Disc (MD), and finally to me recording as pictured here from my home office/studio directly to my MacBook Pro.
The one thing that has remained constant over these 39 plus years is my love for this music and deep respect for those involved in creating it. While jazz vocal music is rich with historic recordings and performers, it’s the current generation of jazz vocal talents that continue to excite and motivate me.