The artistic platform of the duo summons brave souls of the universe. It demands intimacy, courage, risk-taking, creativity, innovation and an ample imagination. Each breath, each sound, and every silence carry heightened relevance as each musician must maintain complete respect and trust of one another. These attributes are abundantly intertwined within Intertwined.
The personalities at play on this album are special. It is clear to this listener that Danielle Wertz and Tal Cohen are creating with a sole agenda, which is to serve the music and nothing else. There is no ego in this music.
The original material, Intertwined (Wertz/Cohen), Chopin Meets Abach (Cohen), Manhattan in the Rain (Duncan Lamont) hold similar qualities, yet somehow more personal. For Intertwined and Chopin Meets Abach, Wertz delivers soft, breath-like, intimate, and intricate, yet powerful wordless vocals. Her ability to story-tell, as if we are right there with her in the rain (Manhattan in the Rain), is wonderfully captivating.
Jazz vocalist Danielle Wertz has already gained national recognition as one of the next generation’s leading voices in jazz. Semi-Finalist in the illustrious Thelonious Monk International Jazz Vocals Competition, she was the inaugural winner of the Washington Women in Jazz Festival Young Artist Contest. Danielle is a recipient of several other accolades including the Outstanding Jazz Performance Award in the DownBeat 38th Annual Student Music Awards.
Tal Cohen’s unique piano style owes its roots to the Jewish folk songs and classical music he played in his formative years growing up in Israel. Pianist Tal Cohen is a creative, imaginative muse throughout the entire album. His acute sensitivity and understanding of the music, lyrics, emotions, and whatever the musical moment may need of him, creates a masterful musician; a brave soul.
“This album is the product of lovers of music, ego-less brave souls, coming together to serve a musical moment. Allow yourself to melt into its whispery ballet of sounds. Allow yourself to become bravely intertwined.” by: John Daversa, three-time Grammy nominee