Every performer, whether a musician, orator, thespian, or athlete, knows the sensation: despite everything being pre-planned – from wardrobe and stage plot to the materials and the travel route – inevitably, there will be some unforeseen eventuality that threatens to derail the flawless facade of the performance. Simply put, if the devil is in the details, then the danger is in the design. While to some, this inability to control every element may be a stressor, to vocalist and songwriter Vanisha Gould, the vivacity of every onstage moment is the execution of the craft despite, and even due to, the nature of unavoidable flaws. Armed with a fresh perspective and an indomitable ability to hit the song home regardless of circumstances, Vanisha presents She’s Not Shiny, She’s Not Smooth, an homage to the beauty that abides within and around the flaws in everyone’s perfect plans.

Vanisha’s embracing of imperfection was not something that initially came naturally, but was a realization and perspective that came with experience. “All of these little things we do, that I do, to make sure everything goes smoothly – you can bet your bottom dollar that something will go wrong,” Vanisha expresses. “That perfect outfit I finally chose? I’ll sweat through it within ten minutes on the stage. That perfect makeup? It’s gone by the time I get off the subway to the gig.” Amidst the ever-present torrent of potential hangups that encompass daily life for a performer, Vanisha embodied the choice that every individual has to make: either be crippled by the entropy of one’s circumstances, or use the cracks in the wall as a new canvas for something remarkable. “This album was created when I realized I can’t be perfect,” she says. “And you know what? Dammit, I like that. What a relief to embrace that idea.”

The timing of Vanisha’s watershed realization could not have been more fortuitous. Shortly after she gained her newfound outlook, Vanisha was commissioned by The Jazz Gallery to compose a complete set of music. “BAM! My writer’s block was cured,” Vanisha says. “I fed off of that idea: imperfections and embracing them.”

It is from these circumstances – the ideation and the motivation – that She’s Not Shiny, She’s Not Smooth was born. The phrase that became the album’s title is also the first phrase heard on the album, further hammering home the central concept of Vanisha’s work. “It seems to me that true adulthood or maturity is accepting that you cannot and will never be perfect,” Vanisha says. “I will never be shiny. I will never be smooth.” Beyond the title track itself emphasizing this point directly, Vanisha further reinforces the concept on the piece “Demure”, but done in an almost tongue-in-cheek cute manner. The further layers of meaning behind “Demure” are, however, obstinate and emphatic. “I was raised in a society where being demure is cute. To shrink is cute. To not be demanding, to not ask for too much, to make yourself small in order to leave room for others to shine,” Vanisha says. “I’m not rude or disrespectful, but I’m also not a fool and I’m not invisible. I want there to be absolutely no misunderstanding: I am not demure; not anymore.”

As the album continues, Vanisha explores the concept of embracing imperfection in varied manners and through universal themes. Whether speaking on empowerment, joy, or heartbreak, she admits, “I’m not trying to reinvent any wheel. The only wheel that’s been reinvented is my mindset of acceptance – acceptance of myself and the circumstances of life; riding the wave and making art out of it.” A salient example of Vanisha’s practice of ‘riding the wave’ can be heard in the track “Don’t Worry Bout Me”, which she composed after an off-putting stranger stole her phone. Instead of growing irate about circumstances she could not control, she chose to write about it and process through it. “In the moment I was livid, then – because I didn’t have a phone, I was bored,” she explains. “So I wrote that song. Thank you, weird dude.” Vanisha’s favorite song on the album is anthemic, with arguably the starkest message. Entitled “Get Out Of My Way”, the piece contains a clear-cut message. Unobscured by florid, metaphoric language, the composer wanted the piece to be a clapback against the selfish, unkind actions taken by those individuals with whom everyone is unfortunate to know in some form or fashion.

One of the most powerful elements of Vanisha’s album is the contributions of her band. Jongkuk Kim, the band’s drummer and a powerhouse name in the New York jazz scene in his own right, is beloved by the bandleader for his emotive playing to the lyrics of her every song. “His sound is so tasteful and complementary to my voice,” Vanisha says. “My songs have a lot of lyrics and I want each word heard. He allows that for me and he never overpowers until the lyrics call for it.” Notably, she remarks that “I don’t use a drummer if Jongkuk is not available”, a further testament to his prowess. Pianist Chris McCarthy is described by Vanisha as her “right hand man”, and is credited with bringing every chord and line to life in a lush and vibrant way. “He can make anything sound like a masterpiece,” she says. Bassist John Sims is admired for his immovable sense of time, and eternal adherence to her vision and intent for every song. At the core, Vanisha values how intimately they know and respect her music. “They know me, and they show up and treat my music like I’d like them to treat my music,” she says. “I know my music with my eyes closed, upside down, in my sleep; they do too.”

With She’s Not Shiny, She’s Not Smooth, Vanisha Gould presents a musical philosophy and ultimatum, declaring the beauty of imperfection, and the artistry of dancing between the fractures in every fleeting moment. Vanisha summarizes it all aptly when she speaks to the heart of the recording itself. “The band knows I’m not shiny, and they know I’m not smooth. I think subconsciously that’s why it all works,” she says. “Because they’re not either, and we don’t try to be. We’re all just hangin’.”

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