Vivian Buczek writes: “This is the most personal album I´ve made so far, where the music sums up my musical upbringing as well as the essence of me as a woman, singer and musician. I was raised in a musical home in Sweden by my parents; both being Polish jazz musicians. Having both feet in two different cultures has made me realize how important my roots are, what they mean and what they have contributed to in my life. As an only child, music was always an comfort and my closest friend and as a little girl I remember singing from the moment I woke up to the very last waking minute of the day. In my adult life, my love for music has affected me and it has become such a strong part of my identity. Now is the time for me to emphasize all the inspiration of which jazz, blues and soul have always been a prominent theme in my musical upbringing. The engaging and strong support from both my parents is something I´m forever grateful for and so I choose to dedicate this album to my loving mother Krystyna Buczek and father Bruno Buczek. A few year ago I met one of the greatest musicians and saxophone players in the world; Seamus Blake. From the very first time i heard him play I was blown away by his musicality that comes straight from his heart and soul; right away I knew I wanted to invite him as a special guest on this album, ROOTS!”